Jan 13Liked by allie wisniewski

OOOF this paragraph “i am, however, deeply lovesick, and can’t remember a time that i wasn’t: a pleasant, dull ache as though hovering on the edge of sleep, tears, and laughter at once. however well inside my fantasy, i’m away from it all, withdrawn – time has slowed like music in an unusual way. i am present, yes, content to watch my life unfold exactly as it does around me, and still i shatter with the small things: one of two pink wine glasses i found at the thrift store. one cracked inside a sweater as i drove home, unaware. it felt pointed, like a spell cast, and i swore at the tragic sight of it.”

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Jan 13Liked by allie wisniewski

And this “spinning words into images like a silkworm and happily gorging myself on a dream. “ Brava, beautiful xo

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